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Trusted Partners

CleanTechnica partners with companies and individuals who are verified experts in their field. These Trusted Partners are people we may turn to for insights, interviews, and verification of a particular set of assumptions when we are covering new technologies and fast-changing clean tech industries.

To get further recognized as an expert by our editors, showcase your expertise by commenting on our articles and bringing real value to move the clean tech conversation forward. If you’re consistent in this and our team sees you as an expert, we may start to feature some of your quotes in articles, which can be great exposure for your company, nonprofit, or yourself (e.g., for consultants, authors, etc.). Heck, some great commenters have ended up getting regular, paid writing gigs as CleanTechnica contributors.

When and if we do interview you and quote you (which will always be via email, so that we can quote you straight from your writing), we will link to your bio on CleanTechies, so preference will be given to those who are thorough in their bio submissions in order to be clear about who we’re interviewing and why we believe them to be experts.

Please make sure you have read and agree to our guidelines below:


  1. Provide accurate information
  2. Help the clean tech industry as a whole
  3. Contribute to the greater good of understanding


  1. Promote your or your company’s own agenda, technology, or other self-serving end
  2. Advocate for things that reflect favoritism
  3. Put anyone else down in the industry, even if subtly
  4. Lie, slander, infringe, or libel

If you’d like to join our Trusted Partner program, please fill out your bio on our sister site, CleanTechies, here.

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